What Things May Come

Hello Sweeties!

Well guys, we are nearing the end of February, gorgeous weather we’re having might I add, and I still don’t have a job! If you’re new to my blog, feel free to read through my earlier posts to get the low down on my story 🙂 Of course, not having an income currently is a struggle but thankfully, I received my tax refund earlier this month so I’m okay for now. Sure I’m a tiny bit sad that I couldn’t use the money to glam up my apartment but hey, I’m just grateful I was able to eat, pay my car-note and keep a roof over my head for another month.

It’ll never be all doom and gloom with me, I’ve become a glass half full type of gal. And trust me, it hasn’t been easy to get to this point. Just a few years ago, I was such the Negative Nancy, I even earned the nickname of Pessimistic Pita Bread (don’t ask). One key thing to not is that I was only ever downer on my own life. I was always a big cheerleader for others, just not for myself. I felt like “It’s my life, I can be as negative about it as I want to be.” Please, don’t ever adopt that attitude.

Yesterday, two positive things happened. #1: A local business saw my resume on a state job site and wants me to come in to interview TOMORROW. I have no idea what that position is for, but I know it’s at a car rental company (yes, I did my research. It’s legit). Now I know I’ve said that I don’t want just any job, but I am all about new experiences and learning new skills. Besides, by going back to school, I am working toward my career goal (I’ll discuss that in another post).

#2: I reconnected with my very best friend, and I don’t use the words best and friend willy-nilly… especially not together, so that shows just how special this person is to me.  ❤

Speaking of people and the past! I was on my writing Instagram account, as you can tell from my previous posts, I’ve been in the writing mood of late. Anyway, I was scrolling through my list of people I should follow and who do I see? None other than the dummy who missed out on the best thing he’d ever have (I don’t like the term “ex-fiance”, it just doesn’t capture it, lol ). My question is, how? How are we being connected? I made my account long after he and I were done. I don’t have his number, I can’t imagine how he could possibly have mine. We have no mutual connections. So once again, how? I remember about a year or two ago he showed as “people you may know” on Facebook. We were NEVER connected through Facebook. In fact, he didn’t even have a Facebook when we were a thing…. Hmmmm. Anyway, another story for another day.

Smooches :*

Aunt Kat

When She Loves…

Drug Tests and Valentines Day

Hello Sweeties!

Just took my first drug test! Aside from the fact that I had to take the test for one of the jobs I applied for Sunday, I’m excited because it was a completely new experience for me and I’m all about embracing new experiences, even if it is just “depositing my specimen” into a cup. Lol. #TMI #SorryNotSorry

Yup, it’s Valentines Day. I don’t celebrate it, and even if I did…..well…. I’m so single that  my single is single. And, as someone with very few friends, especially being that I’m still relatively new here, no Galentines festivities for me either.

Honestly, I don’t thing I’m built for relationships. Of any kinds. Whether it be friendship, romantic, marriage etc. I’m so neurotic about my personal space that I can’t even live with anyone, regardless of how much I may like them. That’s another thing; I don’t like others the way normal people do. I so rarely form actual attachments to people, it’s like “I like you while you’re here, wanna leave? There’s the door”. I suppose after years of feelings of rejection and abandonment, you’re bound to come out of it a little bit wonky. A little scarred. A little tattered. A little torn.

I’m okay with my broken bits, but I find it so darn frustrating that no matter how mature I get, no matter how much self-affirmation I do, no matter how mentally and emotionally strong I become, that little girl inside of me will forever feel unloved… unloveable. Don’t get me wrong, I think I have some awesome qualities (though I’ll always be a work in progress), that little girl in me will never truly believe that people actually like her. Never. That being said, I’m not an insecure person and I don’t need validation from anyone. At the end of the day, the only opinion of me that matters is my own. And I think I’m fabulous. Most of the time….Sometimes.

Smooches :*

Aunt Kat



What a Weekend


Hello Sweeties!

Happy Monday. Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Mine actually wasn’t half bad 🙂 I spent the whole weekend between Detroit and Cleveland. I won’t  lie, I was so thrilled to get back to my apartment last night and just be.

My eldest niece did some modeling for senior’s thesis project at her school so Friday I drove down to see the senior photography exhibit. I had also my other niece I’d her with a flyer design for the fashion club she started (yes, my girls arw going to be something!).

My grandmother’s 91st birthday/birthday party was on Saturday and since I was riding with my sister to Ohio for the party, it made since to just stay with her rather than driving back and forth (50 minute drive), yall know i don’t have money to waste on gas like that. And Sunday I had INTERVIEWS in Detroit as well so, like I said, going back and forth from home to Detroit over one weekend was not happening.

Yes. I did say interviews. Plural, three to be exact. And yes, if I do land one of those jobs, I will have to face the 5o minute long commute. Oh the irony. Lol. I moved to this city to be closer to the job I lost, and now I might land a job right back where I started 😂 Is there another move in my future? Perhaps.

I really got a chance to be an aunt this weekend, from helping my niece with her flyer and taking her to her first job interview, as well as seeing all of my babies at the birthday party. It was great! I feel blessed.

I hope you all have a great week!


Aunt Kat

Ninety Days to New


Hello Sweeties!

Spring semester start in 90 days! ( Yes I’m wearing that hoodie again from the previous university I attended) That’s 90 days to secure a new job….I REALLY hope I get something within the next two weeks. 90 days to decide if I should move closer to the university (Apartments are way cheaper over there). 90 days seems like a long time, but trust me, it’ll be Spring before we know it, and I’ll need to ready. Pray for me ya’ll.

Honestly, I’m seriously excited about going back to school! I love learning, and since I FINALLY have a clear idea of what I want to do, no more feeling lost, no more wasting money… Oh, money.. The route of all evil, Lol. I’ve applied for financial aid, but I don’t want to take out any more student loans. Student loans are the devil -_-. I’m still trying to pay off my previous ones. I gotta say, it’ll be quite an accomplishment to pay my way through school though. I can see me now, working by day, school by night (or vice versa), Hustling hard. Online classes would be ideal, except that getting internet service is out of the question. The last thing I need is another monthly bill. The struggle, as they say, is oh so real. But I got this.

“They plan, and God plans, and God is the Best Of Planners.”

Life is funny sometimes. So even though I have goals, and plans to achieve them, God may have another plan for me, or another route for me to get there. So I’ll keep doing what I have to do and take things as they come. Balance is key. Faith and action.

I had plans to spend my income tax refund to decorate me apartment. Yeah, well, now it looks like I’ll be spending it bills. But I ain’t mad though. I’m just grateful my bills will get paid. Decorating can wait.Or I’ll do it a little at a time. OOOOR, I’ll have a job by the time a get my check! A win, win, win 😀 We shall see shan’t we? A girl can dream right?


Aunt Kat


When Life Gives You Lemons..

They say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade… But what if I don’t have sugar, honey, agave nectar or some kind of sweetener? Better yet, what if I don’t have water by which to make said lemonade?…. Yes I’m being difficult. I know very well that the age-old saying means one should make the best/something good out of a wonky situation. And that’s what I do, all day, everyday. That being said, it’s not always easy. Continue reading “When Life Gives You Lemons..”

Is She Crazy??

No, no I’m not crazy, I swear on the blue birds over flying over the rainbow! *insert mischievous smirking emoji here*

So, why did I choose the name Krazy Aunt Kat for my blog? (it’s also the name of my personal Instagram account, follow up) Well, I like to pretend I’m the eccentric yet ever so wise spinster aunt to my 12 nieces and nephews. They all call me Aunt Kat, so adding Krazy at the begging was fitting..At least I thought so.

If you’ve read the about you know that I’m 27 from Ohio, hecka single, trying live my best life. When I was younger, I had a whole idea of what my life would be like at this age: married, kids, the cliche. Boy was infitely wrong! And at first I was upset about it, I felt lost, I was angry at myself for not being able to “figure my life out”, but I’ve come to realize, there is nothing to figure out. Life is a journey, and to live our best life, we need to fully experiance the now, revel in it, dance in it. Don’t worry too much about what could be (that isn’t to say we shouldn’t have goals), and never ever waste your time thinking about should have been because guess what, if it should have been, it would have been.

That’s all for now sweeties, have a blessed day.


Aunt Kat

One of the most destructive things you can do is compare you life to those of others; to compare their successes to yours, or lack thereof. There is, afterall, no roadmap to life that we all should be following. How could there be, if we all want different things? Are going different places? Your path is completely your own and attempting to follow the path of others is the surest way to get lost.

– Krazy Aunt Kat

This video doesn’t exist

Here We Go

So… here we go.

Down the rabbit hole

Through the deepest crevices of my mind.

To the haunting abyss of my soul..

Lol, just kidding, this isn’t going to be a sad blog, just a real and honest one, full of my life, my truths and my opinions. To those of you reading that already know me, “heeeeeey!!!” to those who don’t, “good to meet yah.”.  I’ll tell you a little bit more about me and why I chose the title for the blog and all the jazz in my next post so stay tunes.


Aunt Kat
